Dr.Sazia Queyam,PT

Apr 8, 20203 min

D-I-Y Approach To Personal Health Management

Updated: Jul 11, 2020

‘Prevention is better than cure,' rightly said by the famous Roman doctor Erasmus, still holds good even after 600 years. And the best way to prevent the onset of an illness or a disease is by practicing healthy habits, starting from home. The practice that promotes one’s involvement in perfecting their health is widely talked about these days. If you're interested in learning how to take care of yourself, starting at home, then be sure to read on.

What is Self-health Management?

Self-health management is the art of taking care of your health without the intervention of doctors, paid caretakers or professional trainers. It covers all aspects of managing your entire lifestyle with a holistic approach, aimed at helping you save money, time, and keep illnesses at bay. 

Self-Health Management is also essential for patients suffering from chronic diseases, or other long-standing illnesses. Doctors and medical workers encourage patients to practice self-health management, as this reduces the burden on the healthcare sector. 

Steps to follow:

1. Setting goals and keeping track

The journey of self-health management begins by setting a personal health vision. Take some time to introspect and compare the qualities of your past and current lifestyle, and note down the aspects that need to be improved. This can be done either by creating a vision board or writing a personal pledge that you firmly stick by. Maintaining a personal journal is also a great way to keep track of your improvements. 

2. Devising an Action Plan

The next step would be to devise an action plan. Make a list of resources you would need to stock up on, such as medicines, ointments, etc. An online study conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Bodybuilding.com showed that 73 percent gave up before meeting their health goal. Therefore, it also helps to have a support system consisting of people with similar goals. This keeps you motivated and in a constant mood to better your health. The presence of an accountability partner will act as blinders and help prevent the occurrence of a relapse. 

3. Getting screening tests done 

An easy way to detect diseases during their early stages is by scheduling screening tests and medical examinations once every six months. A study in the Uk showed that 1 in 3 women avoided an annual cervical screening test simply because they were ‘embarrassed.’ The rectification of such a mindset would help with the early detection of diseases and prevent their onset. It will also encourage you to take on some precautionary measures to keep such illnesses at bay. 

4. Exercising and eating healthy

The daily practice of exercising for at least twenty minutes a day helps to stretch your muscles and also improves blood circulation. If you’re a knee/joint pain patient, then performing the recommended physiotherapy exercises consistently will give you positive results in due time. It is also important to ensure that your every meal consists of the required amount of carbs, proteins and fats Think of your plate as a canvas, and your food as the paints. The more colorful your plate, the more balanced and nutritious your meal is. Along with a balanced meal, be sure to keep yourself dehydrated, and well-rested. 

5. Having a Relapse Prevention Plan

Relapses occur naturally when following a strict regime. A relapse prevention plan helps prevent the onset of a relapse period. If you notice yourself slacking off with respect to your schedule, try reconfiguring your actions and reminding yourself of your mission statement. Always hold the bigger picture in mind, and watch, as it motivates you to stay in line. 

6. Celebrating small wins

Following strict schedules and tight regimes can be difficult at times. Especially when you’re surrounded by temptations or distractions. And so, you should always remember to celebrate small wins. Treat yourself for your exceptional behavior with a small gift. Furthermore, it is important to remember that failure is also a part of learning.  

Things to note

  • The action plan for people having acute or chronic diseases may be different and might require the help of a medical professional. 

  • Before trusting any health information and applying it on yourself, check the source and make sure you’ve gotten your facts right.


Self-health management is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced just like cooking or playing a musical instrument. It'll take time to become an expert at it, but in the end, it will be worth it.

If you are already well-versed with the art of self-health management, then consider the above-mentioned steps as simple pointers, and nothing more. 

If you’re looking for training in the practice of personal health management, feel free to contact us for a free discovery session. We’ll be sure to train you in the best way possible, and you will emerge successful at managing your own health goals. 

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