What pops into your mind the minute we say ‘shopping?’ Hoarding large carrier bags filled to the brim with products you might not even use? Spending hours at the supermarket, unsure of what to purchase? Well, if you’ve been looking for smarter, healthier methods to shop for your essential items, your search ends here.
Here’s our guide on how to shop smart whilst simultaneously saving your money and health.

1. Writing a shopping list
Shopping for your family should be a mindful task that you spend time on. Take a few minutes off your schedule and check your pantry/kitchen shelves and cupboards and take note of your current stock of food. Then, write a list of the things you currently require. This way, as soon as you enter the grocery store, you know what to purchase, thereby making the task quicker and more efficient.

2. Avoid impulsive shopping
Oftentimes, items you end up purchasing might be a result of your current mood. This might lead to splurging on unnecessary products. It is a psychologically proven fact that shopping while hungry leads to the excess purchase of food. Similarly, shopping while cranky or depressed might result in spending more than required and hoarding things. It’s always advised to head to the store while feeling fresh, with a clear mind.

3. Be aware of marketing gimmicks
A lot of brands rely on false advertising to lure in customers. Be mindful of these tricks, and be sure to research the product, before going ahead with purchasing. This can be with respect to any domain. It is also easy to fall prey to advertising techniques where 'more' is sold for 'less'. Take a moment to think about whether you’ll actually need it, before purchasing bulk amounts of an item, simply to save cash.

4. Reading the nutrition labels
Stepping out of the house on an empty stomach oftentimes results in wanting to get a quick bite from street vendors. This might lead to the consumption of unhygienic, deep-fried foods and might cause an upset stomach or food poisoning. This can be avoided by eating at home, before stepping out or packing food from home into small, portable containers. our health.

5. Healthier modes of transport
If your grocery store is nearby, consider walking or cycling to the store, instead of driving. This way you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also get some exercise into your day. Consider carrying the bags back home to be an arm-workout, and the whole trip to and fro, as cardio.

6. Avoid consumption of street-food
Stepping out of the house on an empty stomach oftentimes results in wanting to get a quick bite from street vendors. This might lead to the consumption of unhygienic, deep-fried foods and might cause an upset stomach or food poisoning. This can be avoided by eating at home, before stepping out or packing food from home into small, portable containers.

7. Care for the environment
There are ways to shop in which you can care for the environment. Avoid purchasing products that contain plastic packaging or are made of plastic. While shopping online, try opting for normal delivery speeds as opposed to fast delivery, as this way orders get shipped out in bulk, reducing the carbon footprint. While grocery shopping, be sure to consider buying local, organic produce rather than wholesale processed foods.

8. Avoid Comparison
It is important to avoid comparing your lifestyle with that of another person. Just because your friend has gotten a prime membership at a gym, or eats out often at posh restaurants, it doesn't entail you to do the same. Live your lifestyle according to your needs and personal budget. Comparing shopping lists might only lead to unnecessary splurge on products.

9. Know the difference between an investment and liability
An essential requirement to shop smartly is to know the difference between an investment and a liability. Investing in a few items might only cause you to shell out money on an unnecessary front. Say you’ve subscribed to purchase a monthly skin cream to conceal your dark circles. Unknowingly, you cause chemicals to penetrate your skin, while this can be solved by reducing stress, maintaining sleep hygiene and looking at the matter from a holistic point of view.
A smarter investment would be in our integrative health and wellness program. Sazia Queyam’s health coaching is a one-stop solution for all your health-related issues.

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