What is Love?
This question has plagued the minds of poets, philosophers, and writers for ages. However, in the simplest form, love can be described as a force of nature. Love is that which connects humans and forms the basis of social relationships. Love is also felt by humans to animals, objects and intangible notions in a form of deep affection.
Love, as primarily portrayed by the media, is not always bouquets, expensive dinners, and chocolates. Love is seen in a mother giving up her share of food for her hungry kids, a wife spending hours to perfect a particular dish for her husband, a father patiently teaching his son how to drive a cycle, or even young lovers saving up their pocket money to buy a gift for their special person.
Love, in the simplest sense, is the art of making someone’s happiness your first priority.

Power of Love in Times of Adversity
Love is a powerful emotion, and its true strength is evident during times of hardships and struggles.
The anxiousness and fear before an exam momentarily simmer away when your mom gives you a good luck kiss. A task that seems impossible to accomplish suddenly becomes easy when your boyfriend holds your hand through it. All the loneliness that your dog had been feeling when left home alone, vanishes as you finally return home and pet him.
In this way, it is evident to note the degree up to which love can brighten up a situation, and lift your spirits. It also helps with health-related issues, such as lowering blood pressure, anxiety or stress. Spending time with loved ones, helps you cherish their presence and keeps you in the best of spirits.
Currently, with the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, a simple assuring call or text is all it would take to give someone going through depression or anxiety, the strength to fight through the issue.

Heartbreak, and its Effects on your Health
Many of the albums by our favorite singers have songs with themes of heartbreak and betrayal. And these emotions that they have converted into art mostly stem from true events.
Like the moon has its dark side, so does love.
Loving a person deeply, directly translates to trusting them wholeheartedly, confiding in them, and enjoying the feeling of spending time with them. This in turn inevitably leads to harboring expectations. In such times, if anything were to go wrong, it hurts us immensely, leading to ‘heartbreak’.
‘Heartbreak,’ is the heavy feeling of sorrow that manifests in our chests, whenever you lose a loved one, split up from a treasured relationship, or even when you are betrayed or cheated upon by someone you love. It is inevitable, and most of us have faced some version of heartbreak throughout our lives.
The science behind heartbreak shows us that during the periods of loving someone, our brain releases certain feel-good hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin. However, immediately following ‘heart-break,’ there is a significant drop in these emotions, and they are instead replaced by the stress hormone - cortisol.
Heartbreak, in severe cases, can lead to Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, a condition in which prolonged periods of cortisol causes excess stress, thereby leading to the paralysis of the left ventricle of the heart.

How does one deal with a broken heart?
Dealing with a broken heart is similar to dealing with any stress in your life. It involves trying to regain the normalcy of your life. Here are three simple steps in trying to overcome heartbreak.
1. Acceptance
The first step with trying to move on past heartbreak is accepting the pain. Make sure to take your time trying to deal with the pain, and do not rush the process of healing. Cry it all out, but then remember to stand back up on your two feet, because after all, there is a life that you must live after the breakup. And it is of utmost importance that you live it well.
2. Forgiveness
The next step of trying to get past the situation is by forgiving. This could either be by forgiving yourself for your mistakes or forgiving them for their wrongdoings. To err is human and therefore it is pivotal to forgive. Only by forgiving, can you truly move past the situations, without hoarding feelings of anger, frustration or holding a grudge.
3. Indulgence
The last step of getting through a heartbreak is to indulge in a lot of new hobbies or passions. Keep yourself busy and distracted with new projects, learning new skills, etc. Call up your friends, meet up with them, go on road trips, etc. Be sure to live your life to the fullest.
Learn to Love yourself
Amongst all of this, the most important point to remember is that you do not always need someone to love you, to feel validated in life. The most important love is the love you give
yourself. And the most important validation comes from your mind and your own thoughts. So, love freely and truly. And the universe will continue to shine its stars for you.
Because, darling - you do not know the power of your love.

If the symptoms associated with your heart-break are taking a visible toll on you, you might need professional intervention. Never hesitate to reach out for medical help. Seek out psychologists, or trained counselors to confide in. There are a number of toll-free numbers and online free services that you can contact for an immediate response.
Link for helplines and online chat services - (https://www.vandrevalafoundation.com)
National Hopeline Network: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-800-448-4663
If you’re looking for training in the practice of nurturing and caring yourself, feel free to contact us for a free discovery session. We’ll be sure to train you in the best way possible, and you will emerge successful and confident.
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